Friday 13 July 2012

What a day!! (and some forgotten bits)

The forgotten bits...

So some of the things I forgot to mention yesterday. When we were going through customs yesterday a custom employee asked if we were travelling together. Dad said that we were. So the custom's man replied "Oh is it your honeymoon?" without dropping a beat Dad replied "With my daughter, I don't think so." The look on the mans face does the MasterCard say it PRICELESS!!! Oh and a stewardess on the LA - New York flight said the same thing. Do I really look that old?!

When we got assigned our room at The Union Hotel they must have known we are monkey's.

What a day...

So we got up bright and early got dresses and headed down to the Station Cafe where we get our free breakfast. So are given an 3 options eggs, sausages and pancakes. So we both get the pancakes and have bacon with it with butter and syrup and a orange juice and a coffee.

After we have eaten our fill aka all our breakfast we head down to the union station to catch the train to the Rockefeller Building where we are going to the Top of the Rock Observation decks.

When we finally get to the Rockefeller Building we are a little lost with all the hallways in the centre itself. When we finally get to street level we realise we are too early so we thought we would go and look at the Radio City Musical Hall. Yeah we got lost again going on a long walk to find out that all we had to do was walk around the corner and there it was (Thanks for the bad directions). So we get there excited and it's not open. Damn it!! So we do the whole touristy thing and take some happy snaps instead.
So after the happy snaps we walk back round to the Rockefeller Building and it's time for us to go to the top. So after some security checks and an elevator ride we are there and the view is spectacular bit disappointing about the haze but oh well.
When we have had our fill of the view we come down and buy tickets on the Hop on and Hop off City bus tours. We get the Upper Manhattan and the Lower Manhattan tours good for 2 days for $54 and a promotion package thrown in which is a free Cruise along the Hudson River. But we are already going to be going on a cruise to the Statue of Liberty and Elise Island (But that's a story for another day). So we completed the Upper Manhattan tour today getting off at Central Park and The American Museum of Natural History to name a few.  
Was a little disappointed when Rexie didn't come out to play but oh well we can't have everything. So after wondering around having a look and yes getting a little lost. This thing is massive. We go and have lunch at the cafe and it was rather nice. So we walked out and went into the park and started to plan what to do next. So we jumped onto the bus again and went round the part off Upper Manhattan. So I said to Dad that I wanted to get off at the last stop Time Square and walk around. Such a BAD idea. OMFG you see these hoards of people when your on the bus and you think ain't that bad. So we jump off and they seemed to have doubled. People everywhere. So after walking around and dodging the people we decide to walk yes walk to the Rockefeller Building to catch the train back to the hotel. Then we remember we have bought tickets to go the Empire State Building at night and we realise that tomorrow night was not a good idea as we are flying to Jamaica the next morning.

So I still wanna go back to the Hotel have a shower and come back in. But before I do I have to get some toiletries. So off the the Discount Drug store to find everything that I am looking for and realise it is 1700 and now realises that my previous idea was a little dumb so we stay in the city. So we know where we want to have dinner so we go to find the place Carnegie's Delicatessen and Restaurant.
So once we find the place we continue onto Central Park and walked around for a while and found Lady Liberty so I paid her a visit.

After our walk we go back to Carnegie's and get seated and have trouble ordering meal until we are recommended The Ruben. So we order it. We are also given some complementry pickles.
So this is the meal the guy from man vs food had. However we shared it. I know it looks quite gross but it was delicious. We finish our dinner that is made of yummy bread, pastrami, saurkraut and lots of cheese. We walk yes walk to the Empire State Building. By this time we are getting very tired. So we get there and go through the security checks and OMFG the line are unbelievable. We must have waited 45mins to 1hr to get through all the lines and elevator rides to get to the top with easily hundred people all fighting for a good spot to take some photo's.
When both Dad and I have had enough of the rain or the poeple (I'll let you decide) we decide to leave. We go throught the whole process of waiting for once again 45mins. We finally get out and walk down a couple of blocks and get to the nearest metro station. We ask what train to get onto to take us to Union St station. We are told to take the F train turns out to be the wrong train. Thanks for bad info ticket man, NOT!!!!! We ask a person waiting for the same train and he tells us we can get off at Jay St station and change trains. So we do that. So we finally get back to the hotel and realise that we have been going for 10hrs and 30mins. To out it bluntly we we are bugged. And so are my feet. All to do it again tomorrow well see you all tomorrow for another story.

1 comment:

  1. So, let me see, so, oh yeah thats right, so - you had a great day by the sound of it! At theEmpire State building you should have been able to bypass the queues because you had pre-purchased tickets! AND I am so glad you had to walk so much - at least you might have walked off your HEART ATTACK after eating that Carnegie Reuben!
