Thursday 26 July 2012

Sunburn and Bamboo Blu

Today was another relaxing day. Aunty Donna wanted to spend most of the day at the beach. So everyone was awake before me as oer usual. I finally dragged myself out of bed and emerged to join everyone else. Dad made pancake batter last night, so this morning he slaved over a hot stove top cooking pancakes. Mmmm pancakes. We all had our fill and there was still one and half left. Dad asked if Nelly would like them. So she came into the Villa sat down at the table and enjoyed Dad's pancakes with butter and maple syrup.

After breakfast Aunty Donna, Uncle Michael, Carline and myself went into Ocho Rios to buy their bus tickets back to Kingston for Saturday. I only went because their might have been a spending opportunity (which there wasn't). All since we have been here we have been trying to get a photo of the Ocho Rios sign and finally this morning I did and then my battery went flat. Starting to wonder if my camera battery is a little bit crap.

So after going to the bank an then to the bus depot we got back to the Villa and the sun was still shining so we raced inside and all got in our swimmers. Before we left I lathered sunscreen in my arms, chest and face while Dad lathered sunscreen on my back and on the back of my arms. All of us except Carline went to the beach.  We drove down to the beach piled out and went over to the usual sun chairs dump our stuff. We looked at the clock and it was 11:30. Dad took the first watch over the bag while he finished his smoke. He waited til Nan had finished getting her feet wet then came into the water.

I spent most of the time in the water, but got out twice. The first time I was out i had a towel draped over my head and shoulders to keep them out of the sun. The second time I got out was t have a cocktail, but still had the towel over my face and shoulders. Mind you when Aunty Donna and I went to the bar to get the drinks the life guard who couldn't guard shit apart from his drink started to chat to me and asked me to take him back to Australia. Once I again I had to repeat NO! After the cocktail we went back into the water for a while. i started to feel my face stinging so I got out of the water and sat under the shade with Nan. All of this time Aunty Donna and Uncle Michael have been laying on the chairs trying to get some colour. Mind you with NO sunscreen. They did get a little burnt and will have a little colour tomorrow. I told the others that I was stinging. So as soon as I got back to the Villa I jumped in and had a cold shower to stop what little sunburn I had. Well I certainly got a shock when I looked in the mirror.

I went out to the living room with a towel wrapped around me and when everyone saw me their mouths fell wide open. Aunty Donna couldn't believe that this happened in just two hours with heaps of sunscreen on. Carline jumped up and said she was going to find a Aloe Vera plant. She found one and came back for a knife. She disappeared for a few minutes while I went and got changed. She then came out with a bowl and aloe vera skins and asked me to come to her bathroom I followed her through. I took off my shirt and pulled my arms back through my bra straps so I was still wearing them. I stood in the bath/shower while she rubbed in all the aloe vera juicy gooyness flesh over my face, chest, arms and back. So I stood in the bath/shower for 30 mins while I let all this goo absorb into my skin. While I pull all the chunks off my arms, chest and in my bra. After what seems like forever Carline, Aunty Donna and Nan come in to see how I'm going. Everything is fine but I'm itchy as all hell. So Aunty Donna goes and gets a tomato out of the fridge. Aunty Donna and Carline start to cut the tomato into round chunks and rub it into my skin.

I have to say that it is the first time I have ever had tomato rubbed into my skin. So after waiting another couple of minutes I go and have another cold shower to rinse it off it all. The combination has worked. It isn't as toned down the redness. However it is still VERY, VERY HOT!!!! So I have held off rubbing in moisturiser til this evening as I don't want to blister.

So after my shower I come out and have the tuna sandwich that Nan has made for me. Aunty Donna and Carline go into their rooms for a nana nap. Uncle Michael is asleep on the couch, Dad is on the laptop and Nan is reading. So I sit on the couch and watch episode after episode after episode of The Mentalist.

So everyone wakes up and we decide to go out to dinner to the restaurant at the beach. So I'm getting changed and I really didn't want to wear a bra to dinner, however I didn't think that would be wise. So I struggled to put on my bra and might I say I almost gave up because of the pain. So I finally got dressed and at 19:30 we headed out to dinner. We got to the restaurant Bamboo Blu and no-one is there we are the only diners which is great. The only annoying thing was the lighting was very poor but we managed. The night was lovely. We were sitting close to the water. There was a light breeze, no humidity and the beautiful sound of the music and the waves. Perfect.

We got lovely glasses of cold water and some candles to look at the menu. So everyone who has a phone pulled it out and used it as a source of light. We ordered the first round of drink. Nan and Carline sticked to water, Uncle Michael had as light beer, Dad had a virgin Pina Colada and Aunty Donna and I had Sex on the Beach.

So the waitress comes back over and we order our dinner. Nan, Uncle Michael, Carline and I had chicken wings in a sweet and sour barbecue sauce. Dad and Aunty Donna have crab wontons with a dipping sauce.

We get our starters and we are blown away by how delicious they are. So we are swapping pieces of our starters to try them all. Noe main meal. Uncle Michael and Carline had Jerk Chicken, Nan had Fi Wi which is fish and chips. Aunty Donna, Dad and I have .................. These are before and after shots of our main meal. That's right Mum Fresh Grilled Lobster. Are you jealous yet?? So when our mains come we order another round if drinks. Nan sticks with water, Carline and Dad have Virgin Pina Colada, Uncle Michael has another light beer and Aunty Donna and I have real Pina Coladas.

Jerk Chicken
After we finish our mains and are stuffed beyond belief we pay and head back to the Villa where I get changed into my pj's so there is less pain. Then I sit down to start the blog. Nan is reading, Uncle Michael is doing something on the computer then goes to reading. Aunty Donna and Carline discuss music and listen to some songs and Dad starts to watch TV then falls asleep as per usual.

So now that I have updated you with everything I'm gonna go to bed and try to get some sleep. Night night all. Happy reading. Talk to you from another journey tomorrow.

Fi Wi - Fish and Chips


  1. Sex on the Beach - with your AUNT - OMG! THe meal looks fab and yes, I am jealous of the lobster meal. As for the sunburn - well I won't go there - you know what I say about being out in the heat of the day!!! Enjoy your last couple of days in Ocho Rios - try to get a photo or two of the town area - is Dad taking any photos???

  2. The drinks are a bit sexy Gen, yesterday u said pinas colada. Sure u cant bring the lifeguard home?
