Wednesday 25 July 2012


So we decided to leave early this morning as we are told that is takes a while to get up the mountains. Aunty Donna wanted to leave between 07:00 - 08:00. Aunty Donna came knocking on my door at 06:00 as I had asked her to come and wake me as I don't have an alarm. However as it is in my nature I went back to sleep. I woke up all blurry eyed and got up and looked at my watch. I read 07:30. I jolt awake throw my clothes on and go out into the kitchen where I see Aunty Donna and start to apologise for sleeping in. She then tells me it's only 06:30 where I laugh and get something for breakfast.

We grab the water bottle out of the freezer and chuck them into the bag and leave. We all pile into the car and just before we get off we look at the clock. 07:38. No bad almost leave exactly between 07:00 and 08:00. We set off driving down and realising that we only have a little fuel. So as the attendant is topping up the car Aunty Donna and I go into the shop and get some tick-tacks and some gum. Essential travelling food. Uncle Michael and Carline tell us that the was through Fern Gully is beautiful but unfortunately it is closed so we go the other way which is not so comfortable. The road is about as wide as a single lane but it was a two way road and is full of pot-holes. So it was very bumpy.

After we wound our way up and down the mountains we finally reached flat ground of Spanish Town. After a while we reach Trench Town within Kingston. This is where Gloria lives. We are greeted by the barking of Carline's dog Kenya a Shit zu X Terrier. Surprisingly big dog. Kenya doesn't like visitors so much, so Carline up Kenya behind the gate for our safety, then we entered the house. Gloria's house is beautiful. Love the outside the colour. Gloria has great taste. We went first to drop off  a few things of Uncle Michael and Carline's and so they could pick a few things up. Also at the house was the VERY energetic Davnick who is two. He decided that he liked Dad's hat and so he took it from Dad. He decided to climb up on the couch and on me because he liked my sunnies and tried to take them from me. However I am rather protective of my sunnies so he was a little disappointed.

After a short chat we piled back into the car and head round to Liberty Hall. Liberty Hall still practises the teaching and the beliefs of Marcus Garvey. Marcus Garvey was a man who was born in the wrong era. He was one of the first people to fight for black people's rights. He formed the UNIA - United Negro Improvement Association. Where Liberty Hall is situated is the same sight where the UNIA headquarters was. The headquarters was only one of thousands around the world, including Australia. Not only did he fight for black people's rights, he also tried to get people to know where they come from and to try to put an end to skin bleaching which is still a huge problem today. There is a museum dedicated to Marcus Garvey. What we did learn is that people like Martin Luther King and Bob Marley used Marcus Garvey works and words.

Not only does Liberty Hall have a museum dedicated to Marcus Garvey they also help unprivileged children and adults basic skills. Each time they come they pay J$20 which is equivalent to 21c Australian. They learn how to read, write, maths, computer skills plus more. This is such an amazing organisation. I strong recommend you look up Marcus Garvey and look up the Liberty Hall. So after having a private tour of the museum and the building itself by Carline's friend Andrew who works there.

We shoot off to the other side of Kingston to Port Royal where there is old Port Charles which survived the destructive earthquake of 1692 which destroyed the city. We got a tour and we went into two original buildings. The first had tools and general objects from before the earthquake and after. The next building had only things from the hospitals and from the docks again from before and after the earthquake. The fort was very interesting, HOWEVER there is only so many canons I can take before I get sick of them. Dad however was in heaven. So after touring the fort we went to the Giddy House. If you can't read the sign the Giddy House was built in 1888 by the Royal Engineers as an ammuntion storage facility. In 1907 there was another earthquake and the Giddy house was only partly swallowed five feet. It is still sinking at approximately 15 degrees on the vertical axies. when you step into the building you have a sence of unbalance and feel giddy. Hence the name. Giddy House. We are inside taking  a photo of our guide  Kimberly outside.

After having our fill of the Giddy House which was actually quite fun we leave to go back to Gloria's where she is making us lunch. Not far from the Charles Fort Dad spots a Naval Cematry. Aunty Donna pulls over so Dad can get out and have a look while we all stay in the car and wait. After Dad finally gets back we start to head back. It takes us a while to get back to Trench Town. When we get there, there is an aroma of fish. We are served a traditional meal of breadfruit, ackee with salt fish and fried salted fish. The fried fish are whole and YES Mum I ate all including the head. The ackee is the thing looking like scrambled eggs. That is quite delicious. So us normal people were full after one helping, but being a wee bit differant Dad had four helpings. Much to the delight of Gloria. After lunch we had some Jamaican apples which are very similar to a Nashi Pear. With lunch we got some homemade ginger beer. Mum Aunty Donna said it's pretty much the same as Pa use to make. When I got the ginger beer I took a great big gulp only to feel the burn all down my throat.

With this morning pretty much dedicated to Dad we decided to dedicate this afternoon to us ladies. Thats right ladies and gentleman finally time to spend After lunch and chatting and saying good-bye to Gloria. We told Carline that we wanted to go down town. Carline was a little worried as she was going to take us up town. Up town is calmer and not to sound racist but where the white people go and Down town is completly opposite to be bluntly honest filthy and stinky. It was a good experience though. We managed to get some Jamaican shirts and get some other little souviners. Sorry their are no photo's Carline told me it was better i didn't take any. She said people would steal the camera right out if my hands or want money from me because I was taking photo. I didn't want to risk it.

All the while Dad is looking bored and I have to say payback. So after a couple of hours we head back to the carpark. Just before the carpark we walked past some people trying to sell some dresses and let me say that there was a very strong and destinctive smell of wacky-weed. You wouldn't wanna buy the dresses and try to get them through customs.

Once we got out of the rat race of the Kingston city we went to Carline's friends place to get the key for their flat. Then we went to their house to drop off all the wedding things. Around 19:15 we headed off home. I have to say top driving to Aunty Donna who conquored the mountains last night like a pro.

So we arrived back at the Villa last night around 21:20. Once we got all bags inside we proceeded to do something about dinner. I chopped cheese and tomatoes for cheese and crackers while Aunty Donna made her fabulous and famous scones with the limited ingredients. So instead of white chocolate she used malted milk powder. They turned out just as good.

So now that I have had my feast I am going to have a shower and crash in bed. Tomorrow will be a more relaxing day. So nighty, night speak to you tomorrow. Happy reading.


  1. OMG you are SO becoming a seasoned blogger. Nice to read all the detail - and I want you to cook like Gloria for me when you get back. After I spoke with you I checked a conversion site to see just how much you had spent shopping - OMG they are so cheap!

  2. my god still can't get over seeing nan is a short sleeved shirt. This is great reading gen
