Thursday 19 July 2012

The eve of the wedding

Tuesday the eve of the wedding and you can feel it in the air. No sorry that is just the humidity. I get up to find that Carline is getting her nails done by her friend and realise that I am the only one that is going to have boring and yuck nails so we ask Uncle Michael to ask Carline if it is ok if her friend (unfortunately her name has slipped my mind) can do mine. She said she would if she had time. And she does. So i thought that I would just get a big of colour on my nails. However she asked if I wanted acrillic and I thought to myself why not.

In the process of her doing my nails Aunty Donna and Uncle Michael went to pick up Carline's mother Gloria and her sister Terry who has flown in from Abu Darbi. When they get back I am still getting my nails done and finally they are finished.
My nails
Carline's Nails

I pulled out my wallet to pay and she told me the price was $22 American which works out to be $21.10 Australian. So I was pleasantly surprised and gave her $25. I came back inside to sit down to lunch with everyone. Not long after lunch Carline, Uncle Michael and Aunty Donna to drive them went to the Reception area the Silver Seas Hotel . A little later a taxi is sent to take Nan, Gloria and Terry to the church for the rehearsal while Dad and I stay at the villa as we are not needed. Uncle Michael and Carline wanted to take us, the bridesmaids and groomsmen out to dinner at 1830. So while Dad and I are waiting for everyone to return. So around about 1700 I jump into the shower knowing that there will be a mad rush for showers when everyone got home. Time kept creeping towards 1800 and thought we are not going to make the 1830 reservation. A few minutes later we hear a car pull up and see Nan and Gloria walk through the door but car leaving.

So we ask what is going on. They got to the reception fine and when they were leaving to go to the church the car wouldn't start. The gear box had completely gone. So they called AA and a mechanic came and had a loot he started the car from inside the engine (car people will understand more than I) which ment that Aunty Donna could drive to the church or just up the road from it but the minute the engine stopped she would not be able to start the car again. So after phone calls to Garmac the rental company and their office in Kingston a rental car was finally dropped off. Uncle Michael was staying at the Silver Sea's Hotel. So Aunty Donna dropped him there and came back to the villa with Terry.

So then we have still got to do the jellybean boxes to place on the table. So Aunty Donna, Nan, Dad and myself sit down to do them at midnight finish them and go to sleep.

Carline spent time with the bridesmaids and did not get into the villa until after 0100. Waiting in anticipation for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Cars - who would have them? Thank goodness you got that sorted. Love the nails - warts and all (hehe). STILL waiting for the wedding pics!
