Sunday 22 July 2012

Relaxing and church

So after a very busy day yesterday we decide to have a relaxing day and the fact that it is Sunday nothing is open. So we all drag ourselves out of bed and have breakfast. Uncle Michael, Carline, Aunty Donna and Nan all go to church while Dad and I hang back. I try to finish yesterdays blog but it is not working much to my annoyance. So I leave the laptop and let Dad have it before I break it out of frustration.

I watch some TV and do some word searches as you would do on a lazy Sunday in between putting a load of washing on and hanging it out. We decided earlier during the week we will have a roast chicken for dinner as Carline has never had a traditional roast for dinner. Realising one small one isn't going to be enough Aunty Donna buys another with some other things after church.

Aunty Donna has been itching to get some colour since being here but unfortunately it hasn't happened. So we organised to go and spend most of the day down at the beach so Aunty Donna could burn. After about five minutes of being back at the villa it bucketed down for three hours. So we just had sandwiches for lunch and did things until it finished. Oh I know your itching to know the most important thing ever. We just got the washing in on time. Thanks Nan. So it finally happened. It stopped raining. We all got into our swimmers instead of Nan who just gets her feet wet and Carline didn't come. We will get her down there before we leave trust me on that.

So we jump in the water when Uncle Michael tells us that there is a dolphin. We all look with excitement and it is just a huge log. I still can't quite understand if he ment it as a joke or if he was being serious. So Aunty Donna gets out to get some colour which didn't really happen due to cloud over. We all got out for a little bit when I went to the bar and got lemonade for Uncle Michael, Dad and Nan.

I got Aunty Donna and I a cocktail which was called Jamaican Surprise. We believe it had Jamaican rum, pineapple cordial or juice and a tropical punch juice served with a pineapple wedge. Quite nice I have to say. So we get back into the water for a while and then head back. Both chickens are almost thawed. So after the showers Nan and Aunty Donna get dinner ready.

We sit down and have our roast chicken dinner with honey carrots, cauliflower with a garlic cream sauce, broccoli, roast pumpkin, we only have one potato so we have roast potato and rice. I the middle of dinner we have a black out. We have had them before but this has been the first while we are having dinner and hopefully the last. So we find candles, ipad's and phones. Anything that will give us light. As we have finished and taking the plates to the bench the power comes back on.

So I turn the computer back on and try to finish the blog but the photo's are taking way too long. I am just about tempted to leave them out all together when Uncle Michael compresses them for me. I was trying to load a 3.6 - 6.2 MB pics up and he compressed the to 300 KB. Now they are flying through and I am unstoppable. So tonight we are having dessert that Carline has never tried. Ice-cream covered with Milo and malted milk powder. Carline liked it very much as did everyone else.

So after dessert everyone has pottered off to bed. I have finally got my blog up to date I can now rest my tired eyes. I thought a blog would be easy to do.Huh. Well nighty, night all. Talk to you tomorrow from another magical place. Happy reading.


  1. You forgot to tell us about the part when you snuck back to see Newton. xxx

  2. Milo and malt - now there's any Aussie combo!
    More rain headed our way here too! :(
    Keep having fun everyone!
