Wednesday 25 July 2012

Craft Markets

After the early start and the full day yesterday I had a lovely sleep in getting up at 09:30. We had decided to go to the craft markets at Ocho Rios today as we haven't been. So after taking our time this morning getting ready we head out to the markets. First stop is the bank so Dad and I can get some money out. Then we park in the parking lot of Silver Seas Hotel and walk back as it is extremely busy. We reach the markets and for a Wednesday it is quite busy. We start at one stall and work our way back.

We have been looking for saris for a while and finally find some decent ones that are full of colour. So between three of us we get seven saris. Along with an arrange of other things. We pretty much get all we need at the one stall much to the annoyance from the other stall owners. I had been looking for a bag that said Jamaica since we got here. I finally found some, however she was asking for too much as I tried my hand at haggling for the first time which was not successful. She wouldn't lower her price so we just left and found the same bags just around the corner cheaper. Bargain.

As we had already got what we needed we left the markets with lots of people trying their hardest to make a sale. Before we left Nelly said that she would like ti cook us dinner. We were rather taken aback as we had not asked her to, but we were extremely happy non the less. So we asked what she needed and we would get it while we were in town. So after the markets we went to Soew's Supacenta where we got what Nelly needed plus more. Just as we are about to head to the checkouts I see the thing I had given up hope of seeing. Chocolate. You can't buy chocolate like we can here as it just melts. So I was naturally over the moon about it.

We were going to walk with the shopping to the car. As we walked out it started to spit and lightly shower. We decided to brave it and press on. As we got to the other side of the road it started to bucket down. Nan had brought the trusty umbrella with her so Aunty Donna and Carline went to the car under the protection of the umbrella while Nan, Dad and I waited under the protection of the building awning. So while waiting we had people try to to sell us anything and everything. I have to say I got sick and tired of saying NO!. After about 30 mins we see the car. Bundle up the bags and walk over. It took us a little while to get out of the rat race that is traffic and get back to Villa Caribbean Dawn where we give Nelly the food and put everything away.

Nan and Aunty Donna make cheese, onion and tomato sandwiches for lunch. We consume them and there for get rid of out hunger. After waisting time fir a while Aunty Donna, Nan and I decide to go down to the beach. Aunty Donna is desperate to get some colour before we leave. As I forgot to put on sunscreen yesterday and today I have had my fair share of colour.

We spend a some time in the water so we get out and decide to get a cocktail. We have PinasColada today. We drink that one and go get another because they are just too good. As we are waiting for a second one, a Mammee Bay Estate Police officer asked if we were driving. Just from habit I say no and he walks off when I realise that Aunty Donna is driving. So we go back to the chairs and drink our lovely refreshing drink. We go back into the water for a little bit. When we get back out we wait til we are dried a little then headed back to the car and drive back to the Villa.

Where I go and have a shower and Aunty Donna shows Carline the joys of Google Earth. I start to do the blog and listen to music while at the same time we try to convince Uncle Michael and Carline to come to Australia. We don't need to convince Carline, but we are unsure how successful we were with Uncle Michael. We start to talk about whale watching when Aunty Donna remembers that she still has the video of the whale watching cruise we went when Aunty Donna and Nan came to visit us in Maryborough. Remember that Mum.

So we decide to have the dinner that Nelly made for us. Carline said it was called round-up. We had fried breadfruit, with salted Mackerel in a coconut sauce and rice. I have to say it was very delicious. By the way the whole Mackerel was there cut up into chunks. In case you are wondering I did eat the head which was quite bigger than the fish that we had yesterday and it was juicy and soft. So I have to say that it was a experience that I don't really want to experience again.

So ever since dinner I have been finishing the blog as well as the usual talking and watching TV for a tad. Sorry that there are no photo's of today as my camera went flat yesterday and I forgot to charge it up. I know how careless of me. Well ladies and gents this is where I leave you to get my beauty sleep. Happy reading and look forward to sending you on another journey.

1 comment:

  1. NO PHOTOS - what the h*** do you mean no photos???? None of the markets??? :( BIG :(
