Friday 27 July 2012

Burnt outside, inside and everywhere in between

I surprisingly slept well last night. I did wake when I moved in bed but went straight back to sleep. That might have something to do with the panadol ultra I took. The worst part of my sunburn has been my shoulders. So I groggily woke uo and looked at my shoulders and I was shot awake and the words NO,NO,NO,NO came out of my lips. Yes ladies and gentlemen you have guessed it right. Blisters.

So I walked out into the living room where as per usual everyone was awake and the response I got was "Your up early" from Aunty Donna. It was 08:30. I broke the bad news to them that I was blistering. However thank god everything is starting to die down. The colour isn't so red and my back is not as sore but my shoulders are still killing me. Don't think I will be spending too much time in the sun for quite a while.

So today we decided that we would go to the spice markets and run a few errands before going to the beach. So we were out of the Villa by 10:30 heading into town where we thought the spice markets were held, from what we saw on the sign. How ever we were very wrong. It is a party that is held is held at the Jerk Centre on the last Friday of each month. So we go round and ask a few people where they are held and when they are on. So they are held once a month as we thought but this month they have been cancelled due to the Jamaican 50th jubilee celebrations. So we were a little disappointed, but new Mum would be crushed even more. While we were waiting I spotted this banana tree and it had a flower. Who would have thought a banana tree has a flower. I have to say it does look like something from The Day of the Triffids. Quite freaky.

So with that done we went to the local Cambio so Aunty Donna could change a bucket load of US money to local Jamaican currency. After that we went to the Scotiabank so Dad could get some money out of the wall. When we were done with that we went to a supermarket so we could get Mum her precious spices and some local coffee which hopefully we will be allowed to bake back into Australia. After that we drove about 15-20 mins out of town to Beaches Resort where Joe and Greg and their families where staying so Uncle Michael and Carline could get the sim cards they lent to him back and to say good-bye for now and hopefully not for good.

Yes you may notice that Dad and I aren't in the picture. Dad is taking the photo and since getting sunburned I have turned into a vampire. As soon as the sun touches my skin I scream and run for the shade, so there was no hope in Hades of me getting out of the car which was in the shade and the air con was in. However I did wind the window down and say my good-byes.

So once that was over and done with we headed back to the Villa without getting stuck in traffic. Although over the 2 weeks we have been here Aunty Donna has learnt how to drive like a local. Using the horn, pushing into traffic and having the Jamaican foot all while being a careful and sensible driver. On the way home I took a couple of photo's of a couple of buildings I got totally wrong by appearance. The treasure Hunt which I thought was a restaurant is actually similar to a casino, a gambling house. We didn't go in we were told by a passing local who then asked is we wanted some ganja when we said no he then asked if we wanted some coke. It wasn't the drink he was selling. The Joint I thought was exactly that. A place to get high is actually a restaurant. Who would have known.

So we get back to the Villa Aunty Donna, Uncle Michael and Carline put on their swimmers to go to the beach swimming of course. Carline has not been in the water since we have been here and she did today. Well I did tell her that I would drag her in if she didn't go in any time we were here. Nan and I went down to the water but we sat in the shade on the chairs talking. Carline wasn't in the water for long but at lease she got in. Hehehe. So Carline, Nan and I had a lovely chat while Aunty Donna and Uncle Michael went into the water and then layed down to fry. Back and forth, back and forth they went.

Aunty Donna and Nan hadn't tried Jerk Chicken. The Jerk Hut on the beach was open today so Uncle Michael ordered a serve of Jerk Chicken along with virgin Pina Coladas for lunch. After lunch Aunty Donna and Uncle Michael repeated the process one more time and then we all packed up and went to the souvenir store on the beach and bought some more stuff. This time I actually bought some stuff for myself. So after more spending we went to the car and I walked as fast as I could on sand as I didn't have the towel around me. We got back to the Villa and the showers started. Then we did the normal thing of sitting around the large round table reading, on the computers and doing puzzles all the while talking. We remembered that there was wedding cake still in the fridge so we tucked into that as well as a packet of chips.

After a while Aunty Donna got up to start to get dinner ready. We bought a bottle of Jerk marinade that we hadn't used. So Aunty Donna did her own spin on it. We had 1.5 kgs of chicken so naturally Aunty Donna used half the bottle as you would normally. As well as the marinade Aunty Donna put flour, mayo and milk in it. This was the finished product. It was SO HOT!!! We actually found it too hot to eat. I ate all the chicken and the vegetables except the rice. Oh it burned. So being burnt on the outside is the sunburn. Being burnt on the inside is the dinner because it was so bloody hot. Yummy but hot. And everywhere in between well I'll let you use your imagination.

Well that is all today now I have to go have a shower and pack as we leave the Villa tomorrow and go to Montego Bay to stay at a Hotel which is close to the airport. So nighty, night I have stuff to do and have to try to get some sleep as well. So I will be talking to you from a new location tomorrow night. Happy reading.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Donna - you are meant to suck the lime, not the glass! Fancy me having to tell you that!
    And Gen, you have a very short memory - when we lived in Bundaberg (ok, ok so you were only 2) we had banana trees - complete with flowers!
    Say goodbye to Michael and Carline for me.
    Travel safely to Montego Bay guys.
