Sunday 29 July 2012

One last drive

After being quite bugged last night I slept like a log. Woke at 08:30 got dressed and ready. We went next door to find Nan dress and ready with bells on and Aunty Donna was just about to jump in the shower. So I will fast forward to when everyone is ready. So we all leave the rooms an pile into the car. So we set off with out having breakfast, deciding to get something on the way. As we leave Montego Bay or as the locals call it MoBay heading towards Negril. We ended behind a police car who had their lights on and driving about 30kms in an 80km zone. Aunty Donna wanted to overtake, but as being a police car she felt a little nervous. So we stayed behind them and after a while they pulled off the road and Aunty Donna let it go.

So we go a bit further and we find this little lookout totally out if the way and if you weren't looking you would miss it. The water here is SO blue. The water is Ocho Rios is beautiful didn't get me wrong but it was more of a green than a blue. Here it is so blue and so clear. So after some water shots I take my first ever timed photo on my camera and I am quite surprised that it worked great and everyone was in the photo. We go a bit further to see if we can stop anywhere to have a look. We pass one place and decide to keep going and come back to it. So we drive a little further and the scenery has changed to banjo playing country. So we chuck a u-turn and head back the car park with a fence made out of wood and barbwire. I wanted to get a photo but the smell of decay and uria was gagging so we head down to the water and it is gone (thank god). So we go down and it isn't a beach with water it is water and HUGE pieces or coral and in them are fossils. It is quite amazing to look at them and there were many.

After looking at all the fossils with Aunty Donna we went down the the water. It was amazing with the water crashing at the rocks and spraying everywhere. We see these canoe's that aren't made out if modern materials. They are made out of wood and hand carved like they would have done back in the day. Quite amazing again. So after a while down at the water and my skin burning again we head back to the car while at the same time holding our breathes trying our hardest not to suffocate or to breathe in the disgusting smell. We're still nit quite sure what would be worse.

We jumped back into the car and set off again. We originally went to Negril to go to Bloody Bay where the pirate 'Calico Jack' Rackham made his last stand in 1720. To much disappointment we find out that it is now a private beach. So we can't get to it. Bummer. One of the things I want to see and we can't get to it. So we keep driving. We pass windmills and a fort so we decide to go pass and come back on the way through to MoBay. We pass the ever Popular Rick's Cafe. Carline went in about this place so we decide to go there for lunch but it wasn't open yet and this was 11:30. So we decide to see if anything was ahead and see what is there. We go ahead but there really isn't much. We thought we were on the major road as we had not left it. However the road keeps getting rustic. So I get the map out and see on the road it ends at Rick's. So we continue and it becomes more civilised and we are greeted by huge houses and the road ends up dead ending. So yep you guessed it another u-turn. We go back the way we came and see that now at 12:15 that Rick's is opened and is just setting up. It is more of a night business. Apparently the sunset views are amazing.

At Rick's there are three levels where you can jump off the rock's into the water. We look around and take photo's for about 10 mins then we head up to where the tables are and have a seat and after looking at their menu (which Aunty Donna and I kept) we finally order. For appetisers Nan and I have Buffalo Wings (Nan only had that as she doesn't eat much) and Aunty Donna and Dad have the Conch Soup. For people who don't know Conch is a shell fish the texture is very similar to lobster.

The flag that they put up is frigging huge. Bugger than any flag I have seen before. So for lunch Dad gets the Fillet Mignon finally getting some steak. Aunty Donna and I shared the Poached Snapper and Shrimp. We get sides of seasoned chips and veggies. I load Nan's plate up with chips and veggies. When we finish our meal and pay we leave and start to head back as it's 14:00. On the way we go pass Fort Charlotte and have a stop for Dad. I have to say it is lovely to see a fort that isn't restored and over done by tourism. In this photo is the front gate and the dog house looking thing is called the sweat box as we might know it as a sin bin or the naughty corner. The cannon's are all rusted and the fence was so rickety you wouldn't wanna touch it or you might meet Davey Jones in the drink.

Oh by the way we couldn't find it first so we asked the groundsman at the school just outside of the Fort. The kids are out on summer break so I can imagine his job would get quite boring. So he gave us a private tour of Fort Charlotte and the surrounding area. So when we leave we gave him a tip of J$3,000. We then get back onto the road and stop by the windmill which look like early Dutch. The Dutch settled on Jamaica before the English and it was the English who booted them out. Across the road was another ruin and we think that the windmill could belong to a the ruin which looks like it could be a house.
So we finally get back to the Hotel and get inside when Dad and I realised that we haven't got the grog for Mum so Dad and I go out again. We go to what is called the Hip strip which is where all the tourist shops are. We see the same guy we saw yesterday and we saw him further down the road from his shop and it turns out he owns three stores along that way. He has everything we need. Grog, a map to show where we have been, and another gift we forgot. While there they give us free drinks and are really quite lovely. It is nice to see a store owner that doesn't want to hustle you or take your wallets from your hands. When we are finished we decide that Aunty Donna has done so much for everyone this trip us included so we decide we need to get her a gift and end up getting her a turquoise and silver bracelet.
After buying the bracelet we go back to the Hotel. I have a few drinks with Aunty Donna and we eat junk for dinner. Yum junk. After a while Dad and I come back to our room where we skype with Mum and I drag Aunty Donna and Nan in to have a chat. Then we proceed to empty our bags when I get distracted by a shower and the blog. So I better get back to my bag as we have an early flight tomorrow and we almost be travelling for 40 hours. Pray that we get some sleep this time. Well nighty night all. Happy reading and I will update you in a couple of days about our return journey. I hope that all you readers from all over the world have enjoyed this journey as have I. Thank you for reading.