Sunday 15 July 2012

Another day of travel

Today was the day that Dad and I went to Jamaica. So we got up bright and early at 0530 (after getting to sleep around 0200. Yes the blog is to blame) got ready and madly checking that we have everything. We had downstairs and jump into the taxi that we pre-ordered. Oh fun fact: that famous yellow cabs of New York can only be caught on the streets you can not ring and book them. How odd. Going to Newark International Airport.

Getting inside and trying to find the United Airline booking station which are actually kiosks. We get told even though it has been booked with United Airlines we are actually flying with US Airways. So we walk all the way to the other end of the foyer of the airport and get told to use the kiosk. Thank god we looked dumb founded so I staff member booked us in. Although we had paid for the tickets we actually had to PAY US$25 each to book our luggage in.

What a rip off I believe but we need to get on the plane so you pay without any fuss. So we go through security and wait at the gate. Board the plane to Charlotte where Dad slept all the way and I only dozed and read. We had about and hour until our connection flight to Jamaica so we decided to have some breakfast (this is around 1100) which consisted of black coffee and a raisin and cinnamon bagel for Dad and a white chocolate mocha and a cinnamon twist for myself. Finally tried Starbucks.

The flight to Jamaica wasn't to bad a bit choppy in some parts but a whole is was ok. I read my book and my kindle Wedded to War which is set in New York (for this part) at place I have been too. BEEN THERE!!!!!! Which is set in the era of the American Civil War. When we are told that we are descending I open the window shade and the view is breathe taking. As we are about to and we are coming over the bluest of seas and reef .

So we deboard. As Dad and I weren't actually sitting next to each other I was at the front and Dad down the back. So I filled out my immigration card. Once Dad finally steps off the plane (apparently Jamaica is a popular holiday destination. Who would have known) and we walk down to immigration. I thought the lines at the attractions in New York were bad. I know have a new crown of long lines. Took us 45 mins to 1 hour to get through and then we exchange our US currency for local currency.

We finally collect our bags and go to the declare goods side of customs good for us that no one was there. Yay. Don't worry people everything was approved to enter. We then go outside and wait for the rental car to come. unfortunately the name of the wonderful woman escapes our mind. Then we set off to the Villa Caribbean Dawn which is roughly 1 1/2 - 2 hours from the airport. The scenery is beautiful but I was unable to take photo's as I was the designated petrol station spotter and direction reader.

We got to the Villa and is it rather spacious with rather big rooms. Sorry there are no photo's but will have heaps over the posts to come. We are greeted by Susan who is the liaison between the guests and the owners who live in the UK and Nelly who is the housekeeper who is here everyday starting at 9 - when ever she finishes. Susan gives us a tour of the house and the grounds and they hang around til 1800 when the on site security man rocks up who is on duty from 1800-0600.

Which is about the time that the Bride and groom rock up. Uncle Michael Parmenter and Carline Campbell (until Wednesday). So meeting and greeting and catching up began. After a while Dad, Uncle Michael and Carline went out to get some dinner which was Jerk Chicken OMG it is SO good. Now everyone is just relaxing and sorting everything out.

Sorry about no photo's today but hey I'm only human. Will talk to you all tomorrow Where the rest of the gang shall be arriving Aunty Donna and Nan. Photo's will be up again tomorrow.

Oh P.S. while Dad was ringing to see if Uncle Michael and Carline go to the Villa before us and then to ring Susan to let her know we were on our way. This happened on the side of the road and a local police officer came up to the window. So Dad and I are thinking that we have broken some road rules, but just turns out that we look like the the touristy type and just checking that everything was ok. How nice.

Talk tomorrow.


  1. FInally you are there - have a good rest for a day or so and then GET GOING - go see it all. Make suryou try to find out when the Spice Festival is on - it is supposed to be in July! Hugs to everyoen for me!
