Saturday 28 July 2012

On the road to Montego Bay and many tears

Today was day when we started our LONG trip back. We only had Villa Caribbean Dawn booked til today 28/07/12 as there is another family coming into the Villa today. So I set the alarm on my ipod for 08:30 for a 10:30 departure. However I was waking every hour to check the time to make sure I didn't sleep in. So I get up at 08:00 and helped Nan make a cooked breakfast of toast, poached eggs and bacon. So there is WAY too much luggage to to make one trip so Aunty Donna takes Nan and her one bag and Uncle Michael and Carline and their three bags down to the bus depot/Jerk Hut. Then she comes back and collects us and our luggage. One bag each. We go inside and say good-bye to Suzanne and Nellie. Nellie was a bit teary when we left. She is such a lovely person and I will miss her.

I took one look back at the table where all the good stuff happened.......The Blog!!!!!!
So once we say good-bye we're about to set off when we realised that the presents we left for Nellie have some how made there way back into the car so Dad jumps out and runs them back to Nellie. So we are now on our way to the bus depot to join Nan, Uncle Michael and Carline. We get there at 10:45, not bad timing. We sit around the table and talk get a few drinks and closer to 11:30 Uncle Michael gets some lunch of yes you guessed it. Jerk Pork and Jerk Chicken. Not only am I chickened out I am now officially Jerked out. So we have our lunch and as 12:00 is nearing people start to realise that this is good-bye for a while. So a bus pulled up for a pit stop, so Aunty Donna said as soon as it leaves so will we. There is no point prolonging something that is painful.
So we get up and say good-bye which is painful as we won't see each other for a long time. So we drive off in the other direction towards Montego Bay. We can't book in til 14:00 so we don't wanna get there too early so we make a few pit stops along the way. There was a sign that just says scenic View so we pull in there too find this little plaque and yes a little part of history. I take a photo and jump straight back into the car or I swear I would have burst into flames. So while Nan, Aunty Donna and Dad go down a path that isn't quite finished they jump back in and get back on the way and crack out the biscuits. We go further along the road and see a sign that says Cinnamon Hill. You guessed it we took the turn and came to a fork so we turned right and went on for a bit. But when we started to hit hill billy territory we decided to turn around and head back. So we head left and no luck there. So we chuck another u-turn and head back down to the highway.

We get to Montego Bay and follow the directions to the hotel. We get there and there are three so we eliminate them. One is too rundown, one is empty so must the the last one with no name or sign out the front. We head inside and it is the right one. We go through the check in process at the same time we are interrupted by not one but two Americans who are checking out. I can't stand that shit!!! So we finally get checked in and the lovely gentlemen who took out bags up the stairs two at a time. Those bags are not light but I guess if you do it for a while you get use to it. Dad and I are in room 101 and Nan and Aunty Donna are in room 103.

The room isn't bad. So we get settled in the rooms for a while then we go and check out the pool and restaurant. We then jump in the car to explore a little where Dad tells us he wants to check out a fort near by. I am thinking another bloody fort. You've already seen one. However we go down and and it's not there. So we head into town where we get a couple of things that we had forgotten. I was thinking that the hustling wouldn't be bad. I was SO wrong. We try to ignore them but they just follow you and that is the store owners. So we finish and we head back. awe hang around in the rooms for about 30 mins where we skype with Mum and we are able to have a good talk with her without the connection dropping out.



After we have a chat we go next door and go down to dinner around 19:30. At the hotel today there is a wedding and the bride was actually coming out of her room going to the church as we pulled up. So we were able to congratulate her. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a photo, but it was a pretty amazing reception. Definitely her daddy paying. She has seven bridesmaids and all colours if the rainbow and extremely bright. We go into the restaurant and order. Nan didn't have an entree but Dad, Aunty Donna and I all had a citrus rainbow salad. Talk about yummy. After that we waited about a while before we got the mains (the wedding was finished). They finally came out. They were delicious BUT cold. By this time we are too tired to complain. Dad had Shrimp Pasta, Aunty Donna had Garlic Shrimp and I had Curry Shrimp.
Aunty Donna's

After dinner we went up to our rooms and decided to call it a night and get some sleep as tomorrow is going to be busy. When we got back to the room I started the blog and Dad sat on the bed and started to snore the roof down. So now I am gonna get some shut eye. Nighty, night. Happy reading.

1 comment:

  1. And pray tell, what did Nan have for dinner - knowing she doesn't like prawns, I am guessing chicken!
    You have all had an amazing trip by the sound of it - no doubt I'll hear all the other bits in a couple of days.
    Travel safely y'all!
