Thursday 2 August 2012

2 days of travelling and 1 missed day.

So everyone got up at sparrow fart for the people who don't speak Australian we got up at 05:30. Even though Aunty Donna and Nan didn't fly out til 13:55, Aunty Donna wouldn't have us catch the shuttle bus so she drove us about two minutes to the airport where we got out and said our good-byes. Aunty Donna and Nan jumped back into the car and went back to the hotel. Dad and I check our bags in with American Airlines. We then change our remaining Jamaican money into American. We then go get a coffee and some breakfast. We go to this place similar to Subway. Dad has a steak one and I have a breakfast one with ham, cheese and eggs. The eggs resembled what high desity foam would look like and it tasted quite disgusting.

We finished our breakfast and headed to the gate. We flew from Sangster International Airport Montego Bay, Jamaica to Miami International Airport Miami, Usa. Not having alot of time we jumped off the plane and followed the endless signs to customs. Did all the custom things finger prints and photos. We went round collected our bags and dropped them off at the drop off point and went round to the gate and boarded the plane. This flight SUCKED. We start to taxi to the runway when the WHOLE plane looses power. The pilot informs us that we have just lost auxilliary power and they will try to start the plane again. It start and I fell like yelling "We just lost power and your still gonna fly us there is this?!" We get to the runway but this is a bit of nasty weather so we wait 45 minutes and then when that is over we have to wait an extra 30 minutes to have clearance to leave. So when do finally fly off out route has been extended so we are flying even more. Every time the pilotgs dimmed the lights or the tv's went off I clung on for dear life expecting us to plumet to the ground.

So now being delayed for so long we really need to leg it to the next flight as we have arrived on a domestic flight in the domestic terminal and need to get to another terminal for international. When we landed we had 1 HOUR to change terminals check in and everything. It took us 20 minutes to walk/run to the baggage carrosel. While Dad waited for the bags I got a trolley and asked for directions to the international terminal. We have to take the airtrain. Then we have to wait an extra 20 minutes for American Airline staff to get their fingers out of their arses and put the bags on the carrosel. Once we finally got the bags we have 20 minutes so we run to the elevator the train arrives as we get to the platform jump on the train wait the five minute trip and go down the ramps and across the roads to the internaional terminal. We finailly get to the Qantas desk. The customer service agent asks if we are on the Qantas fight to Sydney and she said check in is closed and they are just about to finish boarding. We tell her we were delyed by the Miami flight. So she said she will ring and check. For people wh don't know it is the captain who decides if latge passengers can board. We had our itinerary out ready and the lovely man said yes. So she printed our boarding passes from New York to Sydney via Los Angeles and our Sydney to Brisbane flight. She tells us to give our bags to her and run. She points us to the lady who will bump us to the front of the line to be let into the airport. The people who were in the front and now behind us gave a big sigh and a nasty comment. So now the scanning. I take off my shoes and bag. Dad removes vest, laptop from laptop bag, everything out of pockets, belt and shoes. We go through and as I am through first I start to pack the laptop up. I gab my shoes and put them on, swing my bag on my back, the laptop bag in one hand and Dad's vest in the other. Dad grabs his shoes, belt and the smaller things and we run to the gate while Dad is holding his pants up for dear life. We get to gate nine and there are about six poeple left we join the line and dad starts to dress and we have our boarding passes scanned and we board the plane. OMFG what a rush I still can't believe we made it. That was just like one of those plane shows that Mum likes to watch. So the pilot was an Aussie and a really top bloke.

We are in seats 70D and 70E. Once again in the middle four seat and the aisle and middle seat. We want to see what movies are playing so we grab the remotes. Mine isn't working. So we attract the next flight attendant to walk past and it is Phil. We explaned to him and he reset it. The remote worked but not the screen so he reset it again and the screen came on but flicking. So hw did it again and no change so we moved us to the seats infront of s which were vacant 69D and 69E. Phil was a cheeky man with a great sence of humour. Dad and i look at each other and Dad tells me it's lovely to hear the Aussie humour. We missed it so much. They start to hand out the menu. We look at it and realise that we have not eaten since 06:00 so we are starving. So both Dad and I get the Braised Beef short ribs with Cilantro Rice and Summer Vegetables. Along with it came a tomato and cucumber salad with Balsamic dressing, marble pound cake, cheese and crackers and drinks so our hunger was defeated. The movies I watched was TinTin and Get the Gringo. We landed in Los Angeles. What I forgot to tell you Dad lost his glasses at the Jamaican Airport and they couldn't be bothered to look for them. Uncle Michael had given Dad his old magnifiers but they were in his suitcase. I got for on the Miama to New York flight so I ripped off my fake nails and oh it feels so good to have real ones back. So when we got to Los Angeles we found Dad some magnifiers and a nail files for me. We thought that maybe the flight wouldn't be so full coming home. Well the gate was so full we couldn't find a seat for 45 minutes we had to stand.

We board the plane again and we take our original seats and the seats infornt of us are taken by two annoying Americans who the whole flight keep their seats all the way back for the whole flight. So Dad and I are extremal uncomfortable. We grab the flight attendant and explain about the entertainment system so they go through the process again as their were no available spare parts id LA. So I another meal comes around and both Dad and I have Roast Chicken in a tomato and onion sauce with mash potato and vegetables. It came with a Apple crumble, mints, bread roll coleslaw. Then we get a goodies bag to see us through the night. I contained water, chips, chocolate cookie and a fig bar. After that Dad gets a coffee and I get a lovely Cadbruy hit chocolate with the biggest marshmallow I have ever seen. SO after that I put on an album of music Adel which I decide I actually like her and fall asleep. Dad tells me I slept for a lot of the flight. I wake up and up on a movie. Inception. Although the screen is flickering you don't notice it after too long. Once the movie is finished I go back to sleep and unawares to me constantly dropping a=my arm from the pillow and hitting Dad. After a while he nudges me asleep where he tells me to stop it and I go straight back to sleep. I wake up and put on We Bought A Zoo and breakfast comes. Both Dad and I have the hot breakfast of scrambled eggs on a toasted muffin, sausage (Dad had mine as I don't like sausages), mushrooms, cooked tomato and wilted spinach. Served with Yogurt, orange juice, fruit and tea and coffee.

We finally land after what feels like forever. We go through customs and border protection in Sydney and it is a lot faster as we are Australians. While Dad waits for the bags I change our American money into Australian. We get our bags and go through the lines at customs where we declare our goodies. We loose the seed necklaces as they have seeds. We get to keep everything else though. We drop off our bags at the drop off point and take the free bus to the domestic terminal. For the first time in days we have time to kill so we go and get a REAL coffee from Gloria Jeans. I have a apple pastries as well and Dad has two scones with jam and cream. We then go for a walk and go to a book store where I buy some mini games we could play and some scrabble magnets for Mum. Just because. We then go to the gate and no seat again so we stand and board the plane. We are on a Boeing 767 and we have seats 47J and 47K the far right two seats. I sit at the window and Dad gets his aisle. It was lovely to see Australia from the air again.

We land in Brisbane and we are so happy but a little sad as we are not home yet. With no rushing needed what so ever so wait for our bags with our saying come one, come on under our breath for the first time since Monday. We grab our bags and buy a air train ticket to Roma Street. We get there and Dad can finally go outside and have a real smoke since Monday so I buy a puzzle book for me and a puzzle book for Dad as we have a five hour wait. Oh before that we book our luggage on the train and who would have guessed that my bag was overweight so I rearranged some stuff into my back pack and took out my New York bag to have on the train and book both suitcase and back pack onto the train. After waiting for what seemed forever the tilt train arrives late as the sun lander was late coming in and leaving. So we finally board and just after leaving Brisbane Dad and I fall asleep. I wake up, the train has not long left Gympie and we are running late. Seems like the story of my like at the moment. Dad is trying to ring Mum with some difficulty as he has no reception and his phone is about to die. Funny little story. In my sleepy stupor I thought I heard Aunty Donna and Nan talking in front of us and I thought oh they have decided to surprise Mum by coming to visit. They must have jumped on from Sydney. So I stand up to make sure and yes I was completely wrong. The train doesn't go past Sydney. So after realising that I wait and we finally pull into Maryborough West Train Station. We grab out bags and Mum is waiting in the car. So Dad and I pile into the car out of the cold air and head home.

We sit down to slow cooked lamb, potatoes and vegetable. Yes finally I have had some red meat and NOT chicken. We then show Mum what we bought and we end up with Genevieve's Jamaican Shop in Australia. We didn't buy a lot I sware. So now we are back and we can finally say: "WE ARE HOME!!!!". So after my journey I have realised how luck we are and not to take things for granted. I love Australia, Jamaica is lovely, but I will never go through that much of travelling to get to one tiny island so that is my first and last trip to Jamaica. American Airlines you love to have your fingers up your arse and take forever to do one thing. Finally Qantas no matter what anyone says your the best and will always fly with you. Thank-you for letting us on the plane.

Well folks thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope I took you on a journey as much as I was taken. See ya later.